The St. Pancras International bookworm infestation sensation

Hatchards & HS1

St Pancras International Christmas Tree Bookcase Hatchards Finished 3

Gimme the stats

  • Height 12m
  • Shelves x270
  • Hand-painted books x3800
  • Cosy booths x8
  • Audiobooks x16
  • Famous visitors x3 at least (Jools Holland, Rod Stewart, Alicia Keys!)
  • Surprise book titles x? (well, you have to find these)
  • Gasps of wonder countless!

Design & Fabrication Team:

Andy, AJ, Barry, Chloe, Claudia, Dominic, Dom, Graeme, Ian, Jason, Keith, Lee, Louis, Mike, Neil, Omar, Paris, Richie, Rich, Rihanne, Josh, Rob, Sarah, Shannon, Simon, Tim, Tina, Toby F, Toby E, Tony


Autopaints, BPat, Brewers, Chandlers, CHR Wraps, Connection Crew, Coppard Plant Hire, Creffields, Farnell, How Many Beans Make 5, NE Logistics, Peter Evans Studios, Stair Parts Direct, Thomann, TLC

Sound Technician:

Jo Walker Sound


Jem Stansfield


Sam Lane Photography

More magic this way

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Have a nosey

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